„A jewel of european vocal jazz“
TSF JAZZ, France

Céline Rudolph is a vocalist, composer, and poet, embodying a culture-fluid ambassador and serving as a representative of love, beauty, and freedom in the here and now. She has released 9 solo albums, including 2 ECHO Jazz awards for the duo album  OBSESSION  with Lionel Loueke and METAMORFLORES with Naná Vasconcelos and now the German Jazz Award as Best Vocalist 2024.

Creative modern jazz that is both accessible and unpredictable.“
 Scott Yanow, LA Jazz Scene

„Highly complex, yet deeply relaxed“ Jazzthetik

Vocalist and composer Céline Rudolph glides between Berlin, São Paulo, Paris and New York, between tongues and genres, always landing in the very heart of music.
With SONIQS new music is born, co-produced by multi-instrumentalist Sebastian Merk.

„Her most cohesive and dense work“ Süddeutsche Zeitung

„SONIQS, a beautiful new album firmly within Céline Rudolph’s new electronic tradition.“
Götz Bühler, JazzThing Mixtape

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